Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WOD 04/08/2009 AARRR!!! Hill Repeats

C Street Hill

Today I only had a chance to get a quick workout in and thought I would go with the thinking of "quality over quanity" with some hill repeats. Not to far from my house there is a perfect set of hills of varing degree that lead up to Tumwater Hill. I settled in on C Street that had two crossing streets that made the climb three little ones with a little break while crossing the cross streets. I don't know if that makes any sense but it took me about 4 to 5 minutes to get to the top and I did 6 of them. Oh Yeah...It sucked. BTW check this out. I have a lot of work to do. Do you?
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  1. Minimal Time + Determination = One Intense Workout!!! Bike Sprints uphill are definitely a burner, muscles & lungs!!!

    I ran outside today (I have been doing treadmill running) 10 minutes one way & made it 1.25 miles, stopped & did 50 push ups, 50 squats, & 50 dips. I turned around & ran back in another 10 minutes (2.5 miles in 20 minutes) and finished off with another 50 push ups, 50 squats, & 50 dips....

    A few weeks ago I could barely finish one mile running in under 10 minutes. My one mile time today was 8min 15sec! My recovery times are also improving everyday!

  2. That's great Melissa. Keep up the the good work!
