9 Hours, 10 minutes, and 10 seconds of rain, sweat, sun, blood, cramps, blisters and a little vomit. All and all it was a great day for doing a 100 mile relay. KB led off with a 15 mile mountain bike on the Iron Horse Trail in north Bend. I followed with a 46 mile road bike on the back roads from North Bend to Redmond. Next JD paddled 12 miles down the Sammamish Slough to Lake Washington where JJ took off down the Burke Gilman Trail for a half marathon. IP wrapped things up with a 6 mile run from Gas Works Park to Golden Gardens Park in Ballard.
The relay went well in some aspects and not so well in others, but we all had a great time and I think we will be back next year with something to prove.
Ok, so my first comment to TW was "what have you got me in to?!" I scanned the croud and was thinking to myself, I can't compete with these people. Well the only person I didn't see was myself. Thats all I had to compete with. This was more of a mind game that physical. Yes you have to have some brawn to get moving, but to work out the pain, cramping and the urge to back down, that is all mental. The race was a first for me. I had never compeated in an event such as this one. I did the RSVP which is the STP but it went to Vancover BC... several years ago. This was nothing like it. I set some personal goals, which were challenged by a mechanical break down. But this only provided me with new ones. Botton line, I had a blast, and can't wait till next year. Thanks for the honor to be a part of the team... kb