Friday, May 1, 2009

WOD 05/01/2009 Commute to Work x 2

Last night I laid everything out and went to bed early so I could get up and ride into work. Well, 7 snoozes later I finally got in time to drive to work. But the dreaded check engine light raised its ugly head and I ended up going back home to work on that issue and 7 hours later I'm riding my bike to work like I should have done earlier. This time its more of a necessity rather than for fun. but it was still fun. Oh well, maybe this will kick start my commuting season. Total miles: 30.35. And its been a while since I did a weigh in so...weight: 203 weight lost: 15 (weight gained back: 4) goal: 20!@# I mean 24 more pounds

1 comment:

  1. Melissa BronoskeMay 1, 2009 at 9:56 PM

    I totally hear you on the extra snoozes... I am going to start riding my bike again when I get back from DC. I get 4 miles of gravel road & hills! I will do a weigh in once I get back and... uh... let you know the starting weight, weight lost, and weight gained back but lost again!!! That cracked me up!!!

    Also, I joined Graham Fitness cause they have CrossFit there. It is much easier (harder... but easier to stay motivated) when you have people there making you accountable.
