Thursday, May 7, 2009

WOD 05/07/2009 Solo Point Ride

Today Josh M. and I rode away the rainy day blues with a ride at Solo Point under sunny skies. The trail conditions were great and I am surprised how well they have held up after all the rain we got this week. Two more weeks before we head to Spokane for our 24 Hour MTB race. I feel my fitness is coming along and should hold up at the race if I pace myself and take care of myself between laps. Today's Miles: 10.5 (14-16 on the RPE scale)


  1. I should know the answer to this, but what race are you getting ready for? Is it the long traverse/relay? Just curious?

  2. Ok... I'm completely slow tonight... I see it is the 24 Hour MTB race... I guess I skipped that line!!! HA HA HA! I crack myself up!

  3. The count down to the Mountains to Sound begins!!!!
