Monday, June 22, 2009
Mountains to Sounds Race Recap

Friday, June 19, 2009
OH, Brother Where Art Thou?
It has been about a month and a half since my last post and I was close to just letting it rot in cyberspace but in the last few days 4 people have said "I have'nt seen a post in a while" . So, obviuosly, this little blog has a HUGE following and peoples lives are a little less meaningful without my poetic prose about my very interesting life.(please don't take that seriously)LOL) so I will try to do better.
The last month has been pretty good. I did a 24 hour mountain bike race with 3 great friends and had a blast. I can't wait til next year...right guys? After the race I have been on my bike a lot but the intensity and effort has tapered off, as well as, the crossfit workouts at work. Probably the combination of being very busy and the workouts getting a little stale. Just kinda going through the motions. However, I am getting psyched up for this weekends relay race I'm doing with some friends called the mountains to sound. Hopefully, the last month of "easy" training will be the ticket for a good ride. I'll keep you posted.
BTW, Weight=207 Pounds lost=17 pounds gained back=9
In a couple of days I will up date this to the reasons I'm still fat 6 months after starting this blog in an effort to motivate myself by broadcasting my efforts for your entertainment over the internet. Well, your probably still fat too. Until next time...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
WOD 05/07/2009 Solo Point Ride

Today Josh M. and I rode away the rainy day blues with a ride at Solo Point under sunny skies. The trail conditions were great and I am surprised how well they have held up after all the rain we got this week. Two more weeks before we head to Spokane for our 24 Hour MTB race. I feel my fitness is coming along and should hold up at the race if I pace myself and take care of myself between laps. Today's Miles: 10.5 (14-16 on the RPE scale)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
WOD 05/06/2009 Stronger!

Today I felt much better after taking a day off yesterday and sleeping in a bit. I still feel like I'm on the verge of getting sick with my congestion and sore throat. I was curious what is the threshold of sickness that you should not workout and I found this.
5 min on/5 min recovery
4 min on/4 min recovery
3 min on/ 3 min recovery
2 min on/2 min recovery
1 min on/1 min recovery
20 sec on/10 sec recovery x's 8
cool down
Monday, May 4, 2009
WOD 05/04/2009 Garage Days
WOD 05/04/2009 WEAK!?!?!
Friday, May 1, 2009
WOD 05/01/2009 Commute to Work x 2

Last night I laid everything out and went to bed early so I could get up and ride into work. Well, 7 snoozes later I finally got in time to drive to work. But the dreaded check engine light raised its ugly head and I ended up going back home to work on that issue and 7 hours later I'm riding my bike to work like I should have done earlier. This time its more of a necessity rather than for fun. but it was still fun. Oh well, maybe this will kick start my commuting season. Total miles: 30.35. And its been a while since I did a weigh in so...weight: 203 weight lost: 15 (weight gained back: 4) goal: 20!@# I mean 24 more pounds