Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WOD 04/29/2009 Ladders

Deadlift/Push Ups
Pull- Ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Time Trials Bike 9 miles or Run 2 miles or Row 2000 meters

Monday, April 27, 2009

Where Did the Last 10 Days Go?!?!

The last 10 days have been a blur, but here is a recap.

WOD 04/18/2009
Fall Creek Loop at Capitol Forest. 10 Miles

Singletrack from above at CF

WOD 04/21/2009
1 Hour Easy Spin

Grinding it out in the garage

WOD 04/22/2009
5 Deadlifts 155 lbs
10 Burpees
20sec Sprint/10sec Recovery x's 8Rds

IP working the deadlifts

WOD 04/23/2009
Night Ride at Capitol Forest. 7.5 miles and spooky.

Darkness falls over CF

WOD 04/24/2009
"Dirty Thirty"
30 Box Jumps
30 Bench Press (115 lbs)
30 Pull Ups
30 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Push Press
30 Wall Balls
30 Slam Balls

IP working thru 30 reps

WOD 04/26/2009
Capitol Forest Ride 17.5 Miles
"Crash" riding through the trees

JM settled in riding strong

WOD 04/27/2009
The agony of max effort intervals

15 min Warm Up
Max Effort Intervals
3min sprint/3min recovery
2min sprint/2min recovery
1min sprint/1min recovery
10 min recovery
15sec sprint/15 sec recovery x's 8

Friday, April 17, 2009

WOD 04/17/2009 Back in the Saddle

It seems like weeks since the last time I was in the woods and on my bike. Today I got a good 2 hour ride in with Josh "Crash" Davis. And boy, did he live up to his nickname today. Didn't you "Crash"

Monday, April 13, 2009

WOD 04/13/2009 Lunges Anyone

50yd Walking lunges
Push Ups
Pull Ups
6 Rds of:

WOD 04/11/2009

Row 150m Sprint
15 Deadlifts - 135lbs
Row 150m Sprint
15 Bench Press - 135lbs
Row 150m Sprint
15 Pull Ups

WOD 04/09/2009 Hour in the Dirt

Today I went to a new area I have never ridden before and as me and a friend were getting lost and under the impression the area had a lot of false hype, two guys appeared magically out of the woods and took us on a great ride in which they stated was only a taste of what the area offers. I will definitely be back.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WOD 04/08/2009 AARRR!!! Hill Repeats

C Street Hill

Today I only had a chance to get a quick workout in and thought I would go with the thinking of "quality over quanity" with some hill repeats. Not to far from my house there is a perfect set of hills of varing degree that lead up to Tumwater Hill. I settled in on C Street that had two crossing streets that made the climb three little ones with a little break while crossing the cross streets. I don't know if that makes any sense but it took me about 4 to 5 minutes to get to the top and I did 6 of them. Oh Yeah...It sucked. BTW check this out. I have a lot of work to do. Do you?
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Sunday, April 5, 2009

WOD 04/05/2009 Super Sunny Seventy Days

I don't know what it is about me taking pictures of bike lane bikes. Maybe I'm just thankful that Olympia has so many. Today was a good workout day. Yesterday we were so busy at work we didn't have time to workout. So this morning I got up and got in an easy hour walk on the treadmill before a class at the station I was attending. Then I rode home in the sunny, 70 degree weather. Hopefully, good bike commuting weather is here.
Total Miles 32.72

Thursday, April 2, 2009

WOD 04/02/2009 Hells Bells

20 Kettlebell Swings to Cleans - 3 Rds

Bike, Run or Row:
40 sec on/20 sec off 5 Rds

Then: max reps pull ups and bench press @ 185lbs