Monday, June 22, 2009

Mountains to Sounds Race Recap

9 Hours, 10 minutes, and 10 seconds of rain, sweat, sun, blood, cramps, blisters and a little vomit. All and all it was a great day for doing a 100 mile relay. KB led off with a 15 mile mountain bike on the Iron Horse Trail in north Bend. I followed with a 46 mile road bike on the back roads from North Bend to Redmond. Next JD paddled 12 miles down the Sammamish Slough to Lake Washington where JJ took off down the Burke Gilman Trail for a half marathon. IP wrapped things up with a 6 mile run from Gas Works Park to Golden Gardens Park in Ballard.
The relay went well in some aspects and not so well in others, but we all had a great time and I think we will be back next year with something to prove.

Friday, June 19, 2009

OH, Brother Where Art Thou?

Crash, Big Al, Baggies, and Fast Josh
feeling the ills of 24 hour mountain bike racing

It has been about a month and a half since my last post and I was close to just letting it rot in cyberspace but in the last few days 4 people have said "I have'nt seen a post in a while" . So, obviuosly, this little blog has a HUGE following and peoples lives are a little less meaningful without my poetic prose about my very interesting life.(please don't take that seriously)LOL) so I will try to do better.

The last month has been pretty good. I did a 24 hour mountain bike race with 3 great friends and had a blast. I can't wait til next year...right guys? After the race I have been on my bike a lot but the intensity and effort has tapered off, as well as, the crossfit workouts at work. Probably the combination of being very busy and the workouts getting a little stale. Just kinda going through the motions. However, I am getting psyched up for this weekends relay race I'm doing with some friends called the mountains to sound. Hopefully, the last month of "easy" training will be the ticket for a good ride. I'll keep you posted.

BTW, Weight=207 Pounds lost=17 pounds gained back=9

In a couple of days I will up date this to the reasons I'm still fat 6 months after starting this blog in an effort to motivate myself by broadcasting my efforts for your entertainment over the internet. Well, your probably still fat too. Until next time...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

WOD 05/07/2009 Solo Point Ride

Today Josh M. and I rode away the rainy day blues with a ride at Solo Point under sunny skies. The trail conditions were great and I am surprised how well they have held up after all the rain we got this week. Two more weeks before we head to Spokane for our 24 Hour MTB race. I feel my fitness is coming along and should hold up at the race if I pace myself and take care of myself between laps. Today's Miles: 10.5 (14-16 on the RPE scale)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

WOD 05/06/2009 Stronger!

Today I felt much better after taking a day off yesterday and sleeping in a bit. I still feel like I'm on the verge of getting sick with my congestion and sore throat. I was curious what is the threshold of sickness that you should not workout and I found this.

5 min on/5 min recovery
4 min on/4 min recovery
3 min on/ 3 min recovery
2 min on/2 min recovery
1 min on/1 min recovery
20 sec on/10 sec recovery x's 8
cool down

Monday, May 4, 2009

WOD 05/04/2009 Garage Days

20sec on/10 sec off x's 10
Cool Down

A storm is moving through this week so I will be back in the garage. Storms that last a week suck.

WOD 05/04/2009 WEAK!?!?!

10 Hanging Cleans
10 Ring Dips
5 Pull Ups
3 Rds

Today was was a good workout, but I felt sluggish and a little weak. Probaly because it's been a long time since I have done cleans.

Friday, May 1, 2009

WOD 05/01/2009 Commute to Work x 2

Last night I laid everything out and went to bed early so I could get up and ride into work. Well, 7 snoozes later I finally got in time to drive to work. But the dreaded check engine light raised its ugly head and I ended up going back home to work on that issue and 7 hours later I'm riding my bike to work like I should have done earlier. This time its more of a necessity rather than for fun. but it was still fun. Oh well, maybe this will kick start my commuting season. Total miles: 30.35. And its been a while since I did a weigh in so...weight: 203 weight lost: 15 (weight gained back: 4) goal: 20!@# I mean 24 more pounds

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WOD 04/29/2009 Ladders

Deadlift/Push Ups
Pull- Ups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Time Trials Bike 9 miles or Run 2 miles or Row 2000 meters

Monday, April 27, 2009

Where Did the Last 10 Days Go?!?!

The last 10 days have been a blur, but here is a recap.

WOD 04/18/2009
Fall Creek Loop at Capitol Forest. 10 Miles

Singletrack from above at CF

WOD 04/21/2009
1 Hour Easy Spin

Grinding it out in the garage

WOD 04/22/2009
5 Deadlifts 155 lbs
10 Burpees
20sec Sprint/10sec Recovery x's 8Rds

IP working the deadlifts

WOD 04/23/2009
Night Ride at Capitol Forest. 7.5 miles and spooky.

Darkness falls over CF

WOD 04/24/2009
"Dirty Thirty"
30 Box Jumps
30 Bench Press (115 lbs)
30 Pull Ups
30 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Push Press
30 Wall Balls
30 Slam Balls

IP working thru 30 reps

WOD 04/26/2009
Capitol Forest Ride 17.5 Miles
"Crash" riding through the trees

JM settled in riding strong

WOD 04/27/2009
The agony of max effort intervals

15 min Warm Up
Max Effort Intervals
3min sprint/3min recovery
2min sprint/2min recovery
1min sprint/1min recovery
10 min recovery
15sec sprint/15 sec recovery x's 8

Friday, April 17, 2009

WOD 04/17/2009 Back in the Saddle

It seems like weeks since the last time I was in the woods and on my bike. Today I got a good 2 hour ride in with Josh "Crash" Davis. And boy, did he live up to his nickname today. Didn't you "Crash"

Monday, April 13, 2009

WOD 04/13/2009 Lunges Anyone

50yd Walking lunges
Push Ups
Pull Ups
6 Rds of:

WOD 04/11/2009

Row 150m Sprint
15 Deadlifts - 135lbs
Row 150m Sprint
15 Bench Press - 135lbs
Row 150m Sprint
15 Pull Ups

WOD 04/09/2009 Hour in the Dirt

Today I went to a new area I have never ridden before and as me and a friend were getting lost and under the impression the area had a lot of false hype, two guys appeared magically out of the woods and took us on a great ride in which they stated was only a taste of what the area offers. I will definitely be back.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WOD 04/08/2009 AARRR!!! Hill Repeats

C Street Hill

Today I only had a chance to get a quick workout in and thought I would go with the thinking of "quality over quanity" with some hill repeats. Not to far from my house there is a perfect set of hills of varing degree that lead up to Tumwater Hill. I settled in on C Street that had two crossing streets that made the climb three little ones with a little break while crossing the cross streets. I don't know if that makes any sense but it took me about 4 to 5 minutes to get to the top and I did 6 of them. Oh Yeah...It sucked. BTW check this out. I have a lot of work to do. Do you?
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Sunday, April 5, 2009

WOD 04/05/2009 Super Sunny Seventy Days

I don't know what it is about me taking pictures of bike lane bikes. Maybe I'm just thankful that Olympia has so many. Today was a good workout day. Yesterday we were so busy at work we didn't have time to workout. So this morning I got up and got in an easy hour walk on the treadmill before a class at the station I was attending. Then I rode home in the sunny, 70 degree weather. Hopefully, good bike commuting weather is here.
Total Miles 32.72

Thursday, April 2, 2009

WOD 04/02/2009 Hells Bells

20 Kettlebell Swings to Cleans - 3 Rds

Bike, Run or Row:
40 sec on/20 sec off 5 Rds

Then: max reps pull ups and bench press @ 185lbs

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WOD 03/27/2009 - 04/01/2009 Catching Up

1 hour spin while workout
partner does laps in garage

Crossfit Workout

Crossfit Workout

2 Hour Ride Ft. Stelicom

1 hour on the spinning bike

That's the last 5 days in a nutshell!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

WOD 03/26/2009

15 Ring Push Ups
10 KB Swings(ea arm)
3 Rounds
5 Pull Ups
10 KB Cleans(ea arm)

Run, Bike or Row
RPE of 15 for 15 minutes

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

WOD 03/23/2009 Ready for Spring

1 hour easy spin in the garage. I am ready for spring.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

WOD 03/21/2009 Hour Time Trial

Passing Another Cyclist

The weather was great but I didn't have much time. So I decided to see how much ground I could cover in a hour. I need to find a downhill out and back route from my house. I bet I could break into the 20 mile range.
Total Miles: 18.66

Thursday, March 19, 2009

WOD 03/19/2009 Is There An Epidemic at Our Department?

Look here to find out about the epidemic.

Run, Bike, or Row
2 Min On/30 Sec Off
4 Rounds
("on" means all out effort, as hard as you can go for the designated time. "Off" means stop or slow enough to recover for the next "on" effort)
25 Push Ups
15 Pull Ups
20 Push up
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
15 Push Ups
15 Box Jumps
10 Push Ups

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WOD 03/17/2009 Burn Baby Burn Part II

Tools of the Trade

Warm Up
25 Wall Ball
25 Pull Ups
25 Slam Ball
25 Box Jumps
5 min recovery
Run, Bike or Row
60 sec On/90 sec Off
45 Sec on/90 sec Off
30 sec On/90 sec Off
15 sec On/90 sec Off
30 sec On/90 sec Off
45 sec On/90 sec Off
60 sec On/Cool Down

WOD 03/16/2009 Burn Baby Burn

All Out Efforts
Warm Up
90 sec On/60 sec Off
90 sec On/45 sec Off
90 sec On/30 sec Off
90 sec On/15 sec Off
90 sec On/30 sec Off
90 sec On/45 sec Off
90 sec On/ 60 sec Off
Cool Down
Avg Heart Rate 138
Max Heart Rate 171(93% MHR)

Friday, March 13, 2009

WOD 03/13/2009 Is Spring Here?

Today was a great day in the saddle. Started off this morning and is was a brisk 36 degrees and when I got home it was 60 degrees. Legs felt pretty good today except for the head wind coming out of the south. It was brutal, but I survived.
Total Miles: 58.31

Thursday, March 12, 2009

WOD 03/12/2009 Family Ride Time

We have a Home Depot nestled in the woods

Today I got out with the family and our friend KB for a nice, easy paced jaunt on the railtrails through Lacey and Olympia. Miles: 12

WOD 03/11/2009 Sunny Days

There was lots of sun today but the temps were in the low 40's but I was really warm thanks to my new riding jacket my wife got me for my b-day. I had a short sleeve and a long sleeve shirt under the coat and about 20 minutes into the ride I had to stash the long sleeve shirt in the bushes because I was to hot. It was great to get out and get some time on the road. It seems like its been a little while. Speaking of a little while I have been putting off weighing myself b/c I slide a little bit while I was recovering from a cold but the damage is not that bad. I am back on track and ready to keep shedding the pounds.
Miles:25.52 Weight: 202(gained 2lbs)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

KB Smiling or Straining?

30 min Cardio
250m Row
5 Pull-Ups
15 Wall Ball
15 Sumo Deadlift Highpull
15 Box Jumps
15 Push Press
2 Rounds
15 min Cardio for 60 min total workout time

I planned on doing 3 rounds but I was tired and just didn't have it in my legs.

WOD 03/09.2009 Intervals Spinervals

Warm Up
1 min on/1 min off 5 Rounds
30 sec on/30 sec off 5 Rounds
Cool Down (puke)

Friday, March 6, 2009

WOD 03/06/2009

Warm Up
5 Pull-Ups
25 Push-Ups
50 Air Squats
4 Rounds/No Rest

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Two Possible Heart Related Tragedies

We have lost a couple of brothers in Oklahoma and Ohio.

WOD 03/05/2009
5 Min On/5 Min Off
3 Rounds
Cool Down

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Warm Up
20 push Ups
25 KB Swings ea arm
10 Uneven Push Ups ea arm
25 KB Cleans ea arm
10 Close Hand Push Ups
10 Wide Arm Push Ups
25 KB Swing to Clean to Over Head Press
25 Goblet Squats

18.44 mile leisurely ride around Olympia for an hour.
I, along with my family, have been fighting the
flu bug and hopefully we are over the hump. Today
it was good to get out in the fresh air and get the blood pumping.

Friday, February 27, 2009

WOD 02/27/2009

500m Row
21 Push Press
500m Row
18 Push Press
500m Row
15 Push Press
500m Row
12 Push Press

Thursday, February 26, 2009

WOD 02/26/2009 - Donut Anyone?

Donuts are so good...Anyway my family went to Trader Joe's today to get "healthy food" but after reading some labels from various packaged Organic foods I realized there is just as much crap in these "healthy" foods as anything else. Mostly sugar. On the other hand I feel fresh organic products like fruit, meat, eggs, and milk do have benefits b/c its not grown or raised with hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides. I'll get off my soapbox but my point is "what is healthy?" On a weight loss note the New England Journal of Medicine did a study on all different types of diets and concluded that they all work to a point. But the biggest contributing factor for the people who lost weight and kept it off is that they cut an average of 700 calories from their diet and started exercising. WOW...Who Knew!

1 Hour on Spinning Bike

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

WOD 02/25/2009 Two-A-Days

IP and I have a couple of events coming up. I have this one. And we both are involved in this one as part of a team. To train we both wanted to get the most bang for our buck and get the most out of our workouts, which can be challenging to get consistency. So we came across this program. We will keep you posted on how it goes.

A.M. - Dumbell Trusters
Ring Push-Ups
Kettle Bell Swings
15-12-9 Reps
P.M. - Run or Bike or Row
10 Min Warm-Up
1 min 85-90% Max Effort/1 min Rest x's 9 Rounds

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WOD 02/24/2009 What was I Thinking

Today I was itching to get out for a long slow ride before I start again with 2 a days tomorrow. The weather had other ideas. Throughout the morning there was a very light mist and after lunch there was little to no rain with the occasional sun break. So, I donned my gear and took off optimistic for a good ride. It immediately started to rain, but not to hard. Just enough to inhibit my vision through my glasses. After about 10 minutes the rain picked up and I was soaking wet. But I was reminded of last weeks Tour of California where the pros were subjected to hard driving rain, steady 25-30mph head winds, and freezing temps. So I drove on, convincing myself how its not that bad. About 20 minutes later and I realized those guys get paid pretty good money to ride all day in the rain and all I get is to get to change out my brake pads sooner and probably a cold. So I decided to head back and hit the Spinning bike.

1 hour total/30min road -30min spinning bike
$3.57 for cough drops

Friday, February 20, 2009

WOD 02/20/2009

Today started out really cold, but with a few rolling hills I warmed right up. This route was really great. Lots of curvy downhills and light traffic. There were a few big hills but not to bad.

Miles 25.7

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WOD 02/18/2009

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
15 Box Jumps
10 ring Dips
3 Rounds